Sunday, February 21, 2010

64 Years Old Have A Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease I'm Only 22 And Was Just Diagnosed With Stage 2 Chronic Kidney

I'm only 22 and was just diagnosed with stage 2 chronic kidney - 64 years old have a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

I just came home, doctors and was diagnosed with it, and I do not know what to expect. I am only 22 years old, have two wonderful children and recently married. The doctor said to eat almost as much as possible, so my muscle mass is low, and I am very small (5 feet and 92 pounds now). I'm losing weight despite eating all the time. I went into medicine to help protein in the urine flow, but can lower blood pressure and my already low...92/64 today ... it is impossible. I am in 6 months for the examination and blood tests and said come at any time, if I'm wrong. What am I supposed to look? I'm always tired, urinate 2-3 times per hour and even mOre in the night, etc.

All suggestions and advice would be very grateful. Thank you!

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