Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Arm Fixed Rate Do You Have An ARM Or Fixed Rate Mortgage?

Do you have an ARM or fixed rate mortgage? - arm fixed rate

And he has been an increase in their mortgage payments because of an arm?
If you are considering buying a house in the future, but as an arm or a fixed rate?


Price is what you pay for value. said...

I wholeheartedly that the use of fixed-rate mortgage now. For two reasons:

1. Fixed interest rate has a similar level of ARM. I think there are only 0.25 to 0.5% difference after taxes.

2. Price fixed interest rate is near all-time low. In the past year was 5.7%. It is now only 6.5%.

iinakamu... said...

I have an interest only ARM 7-10 years

People say a 30-year-olds are idiots who have no idea what you mean.

iinakamu... said...

I have an interest only ARM 7-10 years

People say a 30-year-olds are idiots who have no idea what you mean.

arizona_... said...

I think 30 years fixed-rate mortgage. The difference between the 30-year fixed rate and an arm at 50%. With the fixed rate is locked in a yor interest. When interest rates fall, you can always refinance. It is with the arm, have increased the prices, why risk it?

Enjoy 30 years celebrations and sleep well.

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